Kristen McClure: Neurodivergent-Affirming ADHD Therapist and ADHD Coach with 30 years experience in North Carolina and South Carolina Offering virtual therapy and coaching services across North Carolina, including Ashville, Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greenville, and more. Also serving major South Carolina cities such as Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, and more.
July 27, 2024

ADHD is a lifetime condition or neurotype. It may involve sensory issues, motivation, attention regulation, impulse management, and emotional control. Strengths include creativity, diverse thinking, resilience, enthusiasm, spontaneity, problem-solving, and hyperfocus.

Embracing ADHD as a neurotype acknowledges and promotes acceptance, understanding, and support.

Social anxiety is a mental health condition characterized by overwhelming fear and anxiety in social situations. People with social anxiety worry excessively about judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation. This fear can lead to avoidance of social interactions and significant distress in daily life.

Is Social anxiety like being an Introvert or being Shy?

Introversion and social anxiety involve similarities. Let's take a look. Personality vs. Mental Health: Introversion is a personality trait, where individuals prefer solitude or smaller groups.

Shyness is also a personality trait where an individual feels anxious about social situations.

Shyness can develop into social anxiety in some cases.

Social anxiety is a mental health condition characterized by excessive fear. Overlap: Introverts prefer being alone or being in small groups. Both introverts and socially anxious people may appear to be shy.

How are ADHD and Social Anxiety Connected?

ADHD and social anxiety are interconnected in many ways.

Some behaviors ADHD people exhibit, such as interrupting (wanting to share, being excited, or being afraid to forget), difficulty sustaining attention during boring conversations, or changing topics (because your mind works fast or connects ideas), others judge as rude.

This fear of judgment, however, is often rooted in real experiences. ADHD people have been and are judged and shamed by others.

It's no wonder a FEAR of this develops.

Research demonstrates comorbidity between ADHD and anxiety disorders. Interestingly, social anxiety is more strongly correlated with the inattentive subtypes of ADHD (Herizchi & Vasfi, 2021).

Can ADHD contribute to the development of social anxiety?

ADHD can indeed contribute to the development of social anxiety, as previously mentioned. The continuous struggle with communication, along with past negative experiences in social contexts, can lead to a heightened fear of social interactions and the development of social anxiety. The experiences of social isolation and criticism can lead to a persistent state of sadness and social anxiety (Koyuncu et al., 2019).

What are the specific challenges that people with ADHD and social anxiety face in social situations?

Specific challenges include managing sensory overload, dealing with the fear of being judged for their communication style, struggling to follow neurotypical social norms, and the fear of rejection or misunderstanding. Additionally, the internal pressure to mask their neurodivergent traits to fit into social settings can be mentally exhausting and anxiety-inducing.

Can ADHD medication alleviate symptoms of social anxiety?

ADHD medication, particularly atomoxetine, has been shown to improve symptoms of both ADHD and comorbid SAD. The improvement in ADHD symptoms, especially inattention and impulsivity, can lead to more positive social interactions and reduce social anxiety (Herizchi & Vasfi, 2021).

Is there a higher prevalence of social anxiety among people with ADHD compared to the general population?

There is a higher prevalence of social anxiety among people with ADHD compared to the general population. Studies indicate that about 50% of adults with ADHD also have an anxiety disorder, with women being more affected than men (Herizchi & Vasfi, 2021).

How can someone with ADHD and social anxiety manage their social anxiety symptoms effectively? Are there any specific therapy approaches that are effective for treating ADHD and social anxiety simultaneously?

Adhd neurodivergent affirming treatment

It's important to understand that ADHD doesn't need to be treated. Therapists who approach ADHD from a neurodiverse-affirming perspective mostly teach and support ADHD people on how to best live in a world that is unfriendly to them.

Social anxiety is often treated with exposure and cognitive behavior therapy. However, this can be harmful to neurodivergent people. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.

The lived experience of neurodivergent people tells us this is perceived as harmful by neurodivergent people.

Instead, alternative interventions are suggested:

Managing "symptoms" involves a multifaceted approach, including therapy, possibly medication for ADHD, and strategies for self-accommodation and self-advocacy.

Understanding one's sensory needs, communication preferences and differences, and energy levels is important when entering social situations. Social situations can be more comfortable for ADHD people when their sensory system isn't assaulted.

Treatment Techniques like external mindfulness, self-compassion exercises, and understanding social circles can also be crucial.

Curiosity training may be helpful to help ADHD people with social anxiety. This approach involves shifting the focus away from internal signals and self-doubt toward external experiences and interactions. By redirecting attention towards others and the world around them, This approach reduces anxiety and self-consciousness.

Are there any lifestyle changes and coping strategies that can help people with ADHD and social anxiety in social settings?

Yes, lifestyle changes and coping strategies can help significantly. Creating a supportive environment with relationships with people who love and accept you and your differences is key. Seek out people with whom you don't have to mask your true self.

Learning and practicing self-compassion will make it easier for you to enter into spaces where you are treated like you are less than worthy.

Practicing self-accommodation and self-advocacy (like asking for clarification or expressing needs) are crucial for anxiety.

The relationship between ADHD and social anxiety is intricate, with each influencing the other.

Practicing self-care, like getting rest and caring for your health, will also impact anxiety.

We can all help ADHD PEOPLE by LEARNING TO understand and CELEBRATE neurodiversity.

Kristen McClure: Neurodivergent-Affirming ADHD Therapist and Coach with 30 years experience in North Carolina and South Carolina Offering virtual therapy and coaching services across North Carolina, including Ashville, Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greenville, and more. Also serving major South Carolina cities such as Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, and more.