Kristen McClure: Neurodivergent-Affirming ADHD Therapist and ADHD Coach with 30 years experience in North Carolina and South Carolina Offering virtual therapy and coaching services across North Carolina, including Ashville, Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greenville, and more. Also serving major South Carolina cities such as Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, and more.
July 27, 2024

Learning to set healthy boundaries in relationships as and adhd woman is possible with understanding, patience, and practice

adhd and boundaries for women

What are boundaries

Boundaries are the limits you set to define where you end and others begin. They communicate what you will and will not accept from others. Having trouble with boundaries does not reflect your worth. Many women are conditioned to believe they don’t have the right to set boundaries.

What are the Different Kinds of Boundaries?

Physical boundaries are about your personal space, time, and privacy. They tell people how to respect your space, when they can interrupt you, or how they can touch you.


Emotional boundaries separate your feelings from someone else’s. If you create emotional boundaries, you can take care of your emotional health and not feel responsible for others’ feelings.


Energetic boundaries concern the energy others bring into your life or what they do that might affect you. For example, if someone’s behavior or energy is too much for you, you can choose to step away from that situation.


Mental boundaries are about your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. You have the right to your own thoughts and feelings, and you can express them without worrying about criticism or judgment.


Finally, material boundaries involve your personal belongings and money. You can decide how you use your stuff and money and who you share it with.

Why do women with ADHD find it hard to set boundaries?

There are a few factors that can make it challenging for women with ADHD to set boundaries:

Sensitivity to Rejection: Women with ADHD may be more sensitive to criticism and fear conflict or rejection when asserting their boundaries.

Difficulty Identifying Personal Needs: Many women with ADHD struggle to prioritize their own needs, making it harder to establish and communicate boundaries effectively.

Disconnect with Body, Emotions, and Feelings: Women with ADHD may have difficulty connecting with their own needs and limits, which can impact their ability to set boundaries. This can be a result of societal expectations and learned behaviors.

Societal Expectations: Women are often taught to prioritize others’ needs over their own, creating hesitation and fear of being seen as selfish or demanding when setting boundaries.

Low Self-Confidence: Women with ADHD may experience lower self-esteem and confidence, impacting their ability to assert their boundaries and advocate for their needs.

It’s essential to recognize that these challenges are not inherent flaws, but rather everyday experiences that can be addressed and overcome with support and self-awareness.

How can setting boundaries benefit women with ADHD?

Setting boundaries is essential for the well-being and mental health of ADHD women. Here are some ways that practicing boundaries can benefit you:

1. Enhances self-esteem: Setting boundaries allows you to prioritize your own needs and wants, which can boost your self-esteem and self-worth. It sends a message to yourself and others that you value and respect yourself.

2. Reduces overwhelm and stress: Establishing boundaries helps you manage your time and energy more effectively. By saying no to tasks or commitments that are not aligned with your priorities, you can reduce overwhelm and stress in your life.

3. Improves relationships: Clear boundaries help establish healthier and more balanced relationships.

How do Adhd Women Learn to Disregard their Boundaries?

Struggles with feeling connected in the neurotypical world: Many women with ADHD might feel like they don’t fit in, making them feel less confident. This can make it scary to stand up for themselves and set boundaries.

Hiding who they are: Women with ADHD often feel like they need to hide their true selves to avoid negative comments or judgments. This can make them always try to please others, even when it makes them uncomfortable.

Afraid they aren’t worth it. On top of this, many women with ADHD don’t feel good about themselves. They might feel like they don’t fit in or have had experiences that make them feel bad about themselves. This can make it scary to stand up for themselves and set boundaries.

Fear of Abandonment. Also, they might fear that people will leave them if they don’t always try to make others happy. This fear can make them do too much for others, even if it’s not good for them. This makes it hard to set boundaries.


Society and familial expectations. Often, we teach women to prioritize others’ needs over their own, suppress their true feelings, and give without expecting reciprocity. Such conditioning can make it challenging for women, especially those dealing with ADHD and anxiety, to establish and maintain healthy boundaries. However, deprogramming these ingrained messages is vital to foster healthy, authentic relationships and ensure mental well-being.

These things can make it really hard for women with ADHD to set and keep boundaries.

Setting Boundaries requires Self-care, Self-awareness, and Self-compassion.

Setting boundaries can be challenging, but remember, they’re crucial to taking care of yourself. Proper self-care is more than just relaxing activities like bubble baths or watching your favorite show. It means learning how to set limits, say ‘no’ when needed, and focus on your needs.

To unlearn these patterns, it’s crucial to recognize and challenge these behaviors, seek help when needed, and start practicing self-compassion and self-care. It is not selfish to prioritize your own needs and well-being. It helps you to show up less angry and less resentful in relationships, as well as more functional and less stressed.

Knowing when someone has crossed your boundaries is essential for keeping them. You might feel angry, upset, helpless, or uncomfortable when you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. These feelings can be signs that someone has crossed your boundaries. You might also feel guilty when setting a boundary, but remember, it’s okay to take care of yourself. You might not notice these signs immediately if you’ve spent much time ignoring your feelings. Be patient and kind to yourself. Setting boundaries can take time, and it’s okay if it’s hard.

How can adhd women learn and practice boundaries?


ADHD women can start learning and practicing boundaries by first cultivating self-awareness. This can involve recognizing emotional and body cues that indicate when boundaries may be violated. Practices such as yoga, meditation, or body awareness exercises can benefit this process.


Next, it’s essential to challenge societal expectations and embrace the right to prioritize oneself, set boundaries, and seek help when needed. Acknowledge your right to make mistakes, have differing opinions, and assert your boundaries confidently. This process of self-advocacy is crucial in empowering individuals with ADHD to advocate for their needs effectively.


Another crucial step is understanding the importance of self-care practices in maintaining healthy boundaries. This can include activities that nurture your physical, mental, and emotional health, such as regular exercise, adequate rest, balanced nutrition, mindfulness practices, and engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Developing awareness of your emotional and physical responses as signals for boundary violations is also helpful. A word association exercise using the words “Yes” and “No” can help connect with bodily sensations and emotional responses, thus strengthening boundary awareness.

Getting in touch with what it feels like to say a true yes and a true no can help guide you and feel empowered!

Reflecting on situations where you felt comfortable asserting your boundaries and those where you felt your boundaries were violated can provide valuable insights. This reflection can guide future boundary-setting.

Lastly, it’s crucial to recognize the need to accommodate your ADHD-related needs and preferences as part of setting and maintaining boundaries. This self-accommodation is necessary to maintain healthy boundaries and foster greater authenticity in your life.


Remember, developing and maintaining healthy boundaries is a process that takes time and practice. Reach out for support from trusted friends, family, or mental health professionals when needed. There are also several resources available that can assist in this journey, such as books like “Where to Draw the Line: How to Set Healthy Boundaries Every Day” by Anne Katherine, or “The Assertiveness Workbook: How to Express Your Ideas and Stand Up for Yourself at Work and in Relationships” by Randy J. Paterson. These resources can provide further guidance and practical strategies for boundary setting.

How can adhd women help teach their children to have boundaries?

ADHD women can help teach their children to have boundaries by first modeling healthy boundary-setting in their own lives. Children often learn through observation, so demonstrating the importance of boundaries through your own actions can be a powerful teaching tool.


Begin by openly discussing the concept of boundaries with your children, explaining what they are and why they are essential. Make sure to use age-appropriate language and examples to help them understand.


Please encourage your children to identify their boundaries by asking about their comfort levels in different situations. This could be regarding their personal space, time, or possessions. Reinforce the fact that their feelings are valid and should be respected.


Teach your children how to communicate their boundaries effectively and respectfully. This can include showing them how to use assertive language, such as “I feel uncomfortable when… I would prefer if…”. It’s also important to teach them that it’s okay to say no when someone crosses their boundaries.


It’s equally important to respect your children’s boundaries to show them that their boundaries are valid and should be respected by others. If they express discomfort or ask for space, respect their wishes.


Additionally, help them understand that boundaries can change and it’s okay to adjust them as they grow and their needs change.


Remember to provide positive reinforcement when they successfully express and maintain their boundaries. This will help them feel confident in their ability to set boundaries in the future.


Lastly, please provide them with resources appropriate for their age that can further educate and reinforce the importance of boundaries. This could be books, videos, or activities that discuss the topic of boundaries in an engaging and understandable way.



In conclusion, boundaries are essential for maintaining mental health and building healthy relationships. They enable you to protect your well-being and authenticity, and learning how to establish and uphold them is crucial.



Setting boundaries is not a sign of selfishness, but a form of self-respect and self-care. It’s a crucial step towards living an authentic life and achieving a greater life.

Medical information obtained from this website is not intended as a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you have a problem, you should consult a healthcare provider.

Learn more about boundaries and adhd


Kristen McClure: Neurodivergent-Affirming ADHD Therapist and Coach with 30 years experience in North Carolina and South Carolina Offering virtual therapy and coaching services across North Carolina, including Ashville, Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greenville, and more. Also serving major South Carolina cities such as Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, and more.